HEXONET has been hard at work updating and improving our new Control Panel. Please review the new changes below. Stay tuned for more enhancements, fixes and improvements!
IDN-capable domain checking:
The "Fast domain check" on our public website, as well as, the Control Panel's domain search can now check domains in Japanese Kanji characters.
Making the new Control Panel your default:
Legacy customers of HEXONET have been able to choose between the our older Web Interface or the newer Control Panel at login. If you would like to make the new Control Panel your default, thus bypassing the Control Panel selection screen, please follow the new instructions at login one last time.
Contact Admin:
Contact handle creation, deletion, and editing has now been made easier. Contact handles are now displayed in a sortable list, just like our domain list, which has been getting positive reviews from you our customers.
Configurable Control Panel landing page:
Directing your customers to particular sections in the Control Panel is easy. A new feature allows resellers to bookmark a section in the Control Panel and have your users be automatically redirected to that page upon successful login.